The Many Benefits OF ICF

Disaster REsistant - Fire, Severe Weather, Earthquake

ICF structures are disaster resistant and have survived numerous natural phenomenon that destroy traditionally built structures. ICF walls can withstand debris flung at up to 200 mph winds. ICF homes also have a 4 hour fire rating while still being among the safest of structures to inhabit during an earthquake. Experience true peace of mind in your very own ICF home.

Superior Insulation - Highest R Value - REduced Utility Bills

Homeowners in ICF houses experience a comfortable home climate along with real energy savings. ICF homes offer an airtight building envelope without thermal bridges which translates to 44% less energy used to heat and 32% less energy used to cool when compared to traditionally wood framed houses. Experience real comfort in your own ICF home.

Sustainable Construction - Longer Building Life SPans

ICF construction is leading the way in the eco-conscious passive building movement. With longer life spans, reduced energy needs and less maintenance ICF homes have significantly less environmental impact than wood-framed houses. ICF homes require 10% to 15% less life cycle energy requirement than traditionally built houses. Reduce your carbon footprint with an ICF home.